Thursday, November 19, 2009


a AUP is a policy for network use.
Every year students have to sign one.
Some rules are
No games
No bypassing security
No downloading music
use time wisely
Dont add installations

Explain what an AUP is.How is an AUP used at Glenvar? Give 5 rules and why they would be important.How could an AUP policy be put in place at a job?Why are AUP's necessary?If you were the boss of a large company where each employee had their own computer and access to internet, what rules and regulations would you have?

a AUP could be added at a workplace so employees wont goof off.
To make someone promise with their signature that they wont goof off.

If i were a boss and hade a AUP these would be some of my rules
no games
no downloading music
use time wisely
no adding installations
dont attempt to bypass security

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Staying civil online

1. Respect Other People--Cyberspace Citizens are of all ages and range from first-grade students to college professors. They come from many different parts of the world. do not offend others with your language or actions.
2. It is polite to ask permission before visiting someone else's home or workplace. Always page before you join
3.No harassment.
4. Avoid being ironic or sarcastic.
5. Use emoticons to show how you mean statements and to avoid misunderstandings. without body language and eye contact, what you say may be misunderstood.

1. Behave as though you are communicating in person.
2. remember that your words are open to interpretation.
3. do not shout online.
4. do not flame other users.
5. do not send spam.
6. dont distribute copyrighted material.
7.dont be a coward.

i think netique is good, so you wont offend no one


Emotion is your feelings.
Emoticon is showing feeling on the internet or through texting.
Examples of emoticons are
:0 suprised
:) happy
:( sad
:*( crying
:-/ skeptical
:B buckteeth
>:) evil face
:Þ tongue sticking out
=D laughing

An acronym is a word formed from the initials of words in a phrase, such as NATO from North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Ten examples are

lol laugh out loud
brb be right back
aka also known as
kia killed in action
mia missing in action
lz landing zone
asap as soon as possible
A/C aircraft
UAV unmanned air vehicle
V&V verification and validation